Data Models
Attribute | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | Full name of contact. Limited to 300 characters | Y |
line1 | string | Address Line1 | Y |
line2 | string | Address Line 2 | |
area1 | string | Australian suburb | |
area2 | string | ||
region | string | Austaralian State | Y |
postcode | string | Zip or post code | Y |
countryCode | string | Two digit country Code - AU | Y |
phoneNumber | string | Phone Number |
Example of Address Object
"name": "Test",
"line1": "Level 15",
"line2": "Kent st",
"area1": "Sydney",
"area2": null,
"region": "NSW",
"postCode": "2000",
"countryCode": "AU",
"phoneNumber": "0456866769"
Customer Object
Attribute | Type | Description | Required |
phoneNumber | string | Customer phone number. Limited to 15 characters | |
givenNames | string | Customer First Name/Given Name. Limited to 100 characters | |
surname | string | Customer Last Name/surname. Limited to 100 characters | |
string | Customer Email address. Limited to 300 characters | Y |
Example of Customer Object
"phoneNumber": "0456 000 000",
"givenNames": "Joe",
"surname": "Customer",
"email": ""
Money Object
Attribute | Type | Description | Required |
amount | string | The amount is a string representation of a decimal number, rounded to 2 decimal places. | Y |
currency | string | The currency in ISO 4217 format. Currently it support only “AUD”. However, the value provided MUST correspond to the currency of the Merchant account making the request. | Y |
Example of Money Object
"amount": "29.99",
"currency": "AUD"
Discount Object
Attribute | Type | Description | Required |
displayName | string | A display name for the discount. Limited to 150 characters. | Y |
amount | Money | The discount amount. | Y |
Example of Discount Object
"displayName": "New Customer Coupon",
"amount": {
"amount": "29.99",
"currency": "AUD"
Item Object
Attribute | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | Item Name. Limited to 300 characters | Y |
sku | string | Product SKU. Limited to 150 characters. | |
quantity | integer | The quantity of the item, stored as a signed 32-bit integer. | Y |
pageURL | string | URL for the item's Product Detail Page. Limited to 1500 characters | |
imageURL | string | A URL for a web-optimised photo of the item, suitable for use directly as the src attribute of an img tag. Limited to 1500 characters | |
price | Money | The unit price of the individual item. Must be a positive value. | Y |
categories | string [][] | An array of arrays to accommodate multiple categories that apply to the item. Each array represents a hierarchical path to a category, with the left-most category being the top-level parent category. |
Example of Item Object
"name": "Item1",
"sku": "SKU-003",
"quantity": 1,
"pageURL": "",
"imageURL": "Https://",
"price": {
"amount": 24.0000,
"currency": "AUD"
"categories ": [
Merchant URL Object
Example of Merchant URL Object
"redirectConfirmURL": "",
"redirectCancelURL": ""
Attribute | Type | Description |
shippedAt | string | Shipping date. Format YYYY-MMDD |
name | string | Courier Name. Limited to 200 characters |
tracking | string | Tracking Number provided by Courier. Limited to 50 Characters |
priority | string | Shipping priority. Can be Either STANDARD" or "EXPRESS". |
Example of Courier Object
"shippedAt": "2021-07-22T00:00:00",
"name": null,
"tracking": "TRACK_800",
"priority": null
Order | Type | Description | Required |
amount | Money | Total amount payable by customer | Y |
description | string | Order description | |
Customer | Customer | Customer details | Y |
Billing | Address | Customer’s Billing Address | |
Shipping | Address | Customer’s Shipping Address | Y |
Courier | Courier | Customer’s chosen Courier details | |
Items | Item [] | Array of items in the order | |
Discounts | Discount[] | List of discounts (if any) | |
merchantReference | String | Unique Reference Number from merchant for the order | Y |
merchantOrderId | String | Order number at merchant side | |
TaxAmount | Money | Tax Amount after discounts (if any) | |
ShippingAmount | Money | Shopping price charged to the customer | |
merchant | MerchantURL | Merchant redirection confirm/cancel URL |
Example of Transaction Detail Object
"amount": {
"currency": "AUD"
"customer": {
"phoneNumber": "0414466667",
"givenNames": "FP",
"surname": "LoanCreate",
"email": ""
"billing": {
"name": "Billing Add",
"line1": "Level 15",
"line2": "Kent st",
"area1": "Sydney",
"area2": null,
"region": "NSW",
"postCode": "2000",
"countryCode": "AU",
"phoneNumber": "0456866770"
"shipping": {
"name": "Test",
"line1": "Level 15",
"line2": "Kent st",
"area1": "Sydney",
"area2": null,
"region": "NSW",
"postCode": "2000",
"countryCode": "AU",
"phoneNumber": "0456866769"
"courier": {
"shippedAt": "2021-07-22T00:00:00",
"name": null,
"tracking": "TRACK_800",
"priority": null
"description": "Test orde 2",
"items": [
"name": "Item1",
"sku": "SKU-003",
"quantity": 1,
"pageURL": "",
"imageURL": "Https://",
"price": {
"amount": 24.0000,
"currency": "AUD"
"discounts": [
"displayName": null,
"discountNumber": 0,
"amount": {
"amount": 2.0000,
"currency": "AUD"
"merchant": {
"redirectConfirmURL": "",
"redirectCancelURL": ""
"merchantReference": "MER-202107090007",
"merchantOrderId": "20114",
"taxAmount": {
"amount": 2.0000,
"currency": "AUD"
"shippingAmount": {
"amount": 10.00,
"currency": "AUD"
Attribute | Type | Description | Required |
requestId | string | A unique request ID, required (in conjunction with merchantReference) for safe retries. It is recommended that the merchant generate a UUID for each unique refund. | |
amount | Money | The refund amount. | Y |
merchantReference | string | The merchant's corresponding refund ID or reference, required (in conjunction with requestId) for safe retries. | |
refundId | string | The unique, Wizit-generated refund ID. | |
refundedAt | string | AEST timestamp of the refund creation time, in ISO 8601 format. | |
refundMerchantReference | string | A unique reference for the individual refund event. If provided, the value will appear in the reference column of settlement file. | |
TransactionId | long | The unique, permanent, Wizit-generated transaction ID. |
Example of Refund Object
"requestId" : "49efce77-4bf2-4e41-86e8-c2b92f493c2a",
"amount" : {
"amount" : "10.00",
"currency" : "AUD"
"merchantReference" : "merchantRefundId-1234",
"refundId" : "67890123",
"refundedAt" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"refundMerchantReference" : "merchantRefundId-1234",
"transactionId": "12611",
Payment Object
Attribute | Type | Description |
transactionId | string | The unique, permanent, Wizit-generated transaction ID. |
token | string | Checkout token that was used to complete payment. |
transactionStatus | string | An order status of "APPROVED" or "DECLINED" or COMPLETED (captured completed/voided) |
paymentCompleted | string | The AEST timestamp of when the payment was completed, in ISO 8601 format. |
OriginalAmount | Money | Total amount charged to the customer for the order. |
pendingCaptureAmount | Money | Remaining amount that can be captured. Will always be zero for Immediate Payment Flow orders. |
paymentStatus | string | Current state for capturing payments. Will be one of: "AUTH_APPROVED", "AUTH_DECLINED", "PARTIALLY_CAPTURED", "CAPTURED", "CAPTURE_DECLINED", "VOIDED". |
merchantReference | string | The merchant's order id/reference that this payment corresponds to. |
refunds | Refund[] | An array of refunds. |
transactionDetails | TransactionDetail | The details of the order bound to the payment. |
Example of Payment Object
"transactionId": "12611",
"token": "ca25b39b-3873-43ff-8682-e40651e52bb7",
"transactionStatus": "COMPLETED",
"paymentCompleted": "2021-07-26 09:30:44",
"originalAmount": {
"amount": 425.39,
"currency": "AUD"
"pendingCaptureAmount": {
"amount": 0.0,
"currency": "AUD"
"paymentStatus": "CAPTURED",
"merchantReference": "MERb8ad930346fa5231350110d8f21bc0f1-435",
"transactionDetails": {
"billing": {
"name": "k",
"line1": "sdf",
"line2": "",
"area1": "sdf",
"area2": null,
"region": "NSW",
"postCode": "SDF",
"countryCode": "AU",
"phoneNumber": "0157845466"
"shipping": {
"name": "k",
"line1": "sdf",
"line2": "",
"area1": "sdf",
"area2": null,
"region": "NSW",
"postCode": "SDF",
"countryCode": "AU",
"phoneNumber": "0157845466"
"courier": null,
"items": [
"name": "Shoes (Pre-Owned)",
"sku": "",
"quantity": 1,
"pageURL": null,
"imageURL": null,
"price": {
"amount": 349.99,
"currency": "AUD"
"categories": null
"name": "Instagram Egg",
"sku": "",
"quantity": 1,
"pageURL": null,
"imageURL": null,
"price": {
"amount": 0.40,
"currency": "AUD"
"categories": null
"name": "Hat",
"sku": "",
"quantity": 3,
"pageURL": null,
"imageURL": null,
"price": {
"amount": 75.00,
"currency": "AUD"
"categories": null
"discounts": [
"displayName": null,
"amount": {
"amount": 0.00,
"currency": "AUD"
"taxAmount": {
"amount": 0.00,
"currency": "AUD"
"shippingAmount": {
"amount": 0.00,
"currency": "AUD"
"customer": {
"phoneNumber": "0157845466",
"givenNames": "k",
"surname": "db",
"email": ""
"paymentDescription": "",
"refunds": null,
"responseCode": 200,
"errorCode": null,
"errorMessage": null
Pagination Object
Attribute | Type | Description |
pageNo | Int32 | Page Number of list/response |
pageSize | Int32 | Page size of the list/response |
totalPages | Int32 | Total Number of pages in the list/response |
responseCode | string | Response code for the request. Refer Response code |
errorCode | string | Error code (if any) for the request. Refer Error code |
errorMessage | string | Error Message (if any) for the request. Refer Error Message |
Example of Pagination Object
"responseCode": “200”,
"errorCode": null,
"errorMessage": null,
"pageNo": 1,
"pageSize": 20,
"totalPages": 20
Updated over 2 years ago