JUMP TOWizit Money Payment APICheckoutsGets the Transaction Checkout detailsgetCreate a Transaction CheckoutpostUpdate a Transaction CourierputUpdate a Transaction MerchantOrderIdpostConfigurationGet the Transaction Upper and Lower LimitgetRegister the Merchant information after registering plugin.postStored or update Merchant Plugin Configure infopostPaymentImmediate Transaction CapturepostDeferred Payment flowTransaction Capture DeferredpostVoids the remaining openToCapture amount of the payment auth and refunds the consumerpostGets the status and details of an orderpostGets the Transaction details by IdgetThis endpoint performs a refund operationpostGets the Transaction details by TokengetRetrieve a list of payments based on the input paramsgetError CodesPowered by Retrieve a list of payments based on the input paramsget https://stagingapi.wizit.money/v1/api/PaymentRetrieve a list of payments based on the input params